Built in 1929, this beautiful heritage lodge has been renovated several times over the years. In 2008, Emitini Interior Design assisted with its most recent, extensive renovation. The commercial kitchen and dining room were completely gutted and renovated and the lower level was turned into an office and reception, with the addition of a wine tasting bar and wine room. This project took a year and a half and is currently operating as a successful lodge that includes one of the finest dining rooms on the Sunshine Coast. 

PHOTOS: Linda Sabiston, First Impressions Photography

Note from the client:  “I had some outstanding assistance from Julie Termuende from Emitini Design who actually put the whole design concept together with me, and without her assistance – this project would not be where it is – the lodge would not be as nice or put together in a timely fashion. I owe her a great deal of public gratitude for her work. A big Thank You to Julie who facilitated the entire design of the lodge.” 
Lina Jakobs and Mark Darlington